Chapter 2 Compatible Reprocessing Methods and Chemical Agents
Rinsing water
Once removed from disinfectant solution, the instrument must be thoroughly
rinsed with sterile water to remove any disinfectant residue. If sterile water is not
available, clean potable tap water or water which has been processed (e.g.
filtered) to improve its microbiological quality may be used.
When non-sterile water is used after disinfection, wipe the endoscope and flush
the channels with 70% ethyl or isopropyl alcohol, then air-dry all internal
channels to inhibit the growth of residual bacteria. Do not reuse rinsing water.
ETO gas sterilization
This instrument and accessories listed as compatible with ethylene oxide (ETO)
gas sterilization in Table 2.1 can be sterilized by ETO gas and aerated within the
parameters given in Table 2.2. When performing ETO gas sterilization, follow the
cleaning, disinfection and sterilization protocols of your hospital and the
instruction manuals of the sterilization equipment.
• Before sterilization, the instrument must be thoroughly
cleaned and dried. Residual moisture inhibits sterilization.
• The results of sterilization depend on various factors such as
how the sterilized instrument was packed or the positioning,
method of placing and loading of the instrument in the
sterilization device. Please verify the sterilization effects by
using biological or chemical indicators. Also follow the
guidelines for sterilization issued by medical administrative
authorities, public organizations or the infection management
sections at each medical facility, as well as the instruction
manual of the sterilization device.
• All instruments must be properly aerated following ETO gas
sterilization to remove toxic ethylene oxide residuals.
• Disconnect the water-resistant cap from the endoscope
connector before ETO gas sterilization. If the water-resistant
cap is attached during ETO gas sterilization, the air inside the
endoscope will expand and rupture the covering of the
bending section and/or damage the angulation mechanism.
• Exceeding the recommended parameters may cause
equipment damage (see Table 2.2).