Chapter 1: Product Specifications
1 Pro d uc t Ou t line
2 Feat u r es
3 Operat io nal Con d it io n s
4 Sp ec i f ic at io n s
5 Nomenclature and Functions
5-1 Front panel
.... 1-9
5-2 Control panel(buttons)
5-3 Control panel(indicators)
5-4 Rear and side panels
Chapter 2: Troubleshooting
1 Co n t en t s
2 Troubleshooting
2-1 Power input failure
2-2 L amp f ai lu r e
2-3 L amp malf u n c t io n
2-4 Scope connection failure
2-5 High-brightness malfunction
2-6 Cooling Fan malfunction
2-7 Shield malfunction at Scope removal
2-8 Pump malfunction
2-9 Filter Change Malfunction
2-10 Outgoing light failure
2-11 Manual Brightness failure
2-12 Automatic Brightness failure
2-13 Panel Malfunction
2-14 Emergency Lamp malfunction
2-15 Back-up malfunction
2-16 Lamp Life Meter Reset malfunction
2-17 Transillumination malfunction
Chapter 3: Precaution on disassemble and reassembly
1 War n i n g
2 Cau t i o n
.3 -2
Ch ap t er 4: A s s em b l e p r o c ed u r e
1 J ig s an d To o ls
2 Ar eas
3 Disassembling and Reassembling procedure
C h a p t e r 5 : P a r t s L i s t
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. 5 - 1
1 Exploded Parts Diagram
2 Par t s L i s t
Содержание CLV-180
Страница 1: ...ISSUE 1 FR 1700 MAINTENANCE MANUAL CLV 180...
Страница 5: ...Specification CLV 180 1 1 ISSUE1 Chapter 1 Products Specifications...
Страница 14: ...Specification CLV 180 1 10 ISSUE1 5 2 Control panel buttons...
Страница 16: ...Specification CLV 180 1 12 ISSUE1 5 3 Control panel Indicators...
Страница 18: ...Specification CLV 180 1 14 ISSUE1 5 4 Rear and side panels...
Страница 20: ...Troubleshooting CLV 180 2 1 ISSUE1 Chapter 2 Troubleshooting...
Страница 36: ...Precautions on disassembly and assembly CLV 180 3 1 ISSUE 1 Chapter 3 Precaution on disassembly and reassembly...
Страница 38: ...Disassembly and Reassembly Procedure CLV 180 4 1 ISSUE1 Chapter 4 Disassembly and Reassembly procedure...
Страница 68: ...Parts List CLV 180 5 1 ISSUE1 Chapter 5 Parts List...
Страница 69: ...Parts List CLV 180 5 2 ISSUE1 1 Exploded Parts Diagram...
Страница 70: ...Parts List CLV 180 5 3 ISSUE1...
Страница 71: ...Parts List CLV 180 5 4 ISSUE1...
Страница 72: ...Parts List CLV 180 5 5 ISSUE1...
Страница 73: ...Parts List CLV 180 5 6 ISSUE1...
Страница 74: ...Parts List CLV 180 5 7 ISSUE1...
Страница 75: ...Parts List CLV 180 5 8 ISSUE1...
Страница 76: ...Parts List CLV 180 5 9 ISSUE1...
Страница 77: ...Parts List CLV 180 5 10 ISSUE1 2 Parts List...
Страница 78: ...Parts List CLV 180 5 11 ISSUE1...
Страница 79: ...Parts List CLV 180 5 12 ISSUE1...
Страница 80: ...Parts List CLV 180 5 13 ISSUE1...