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What to do before my Shed arrives?
Become familiar with this assembly manual and determine if you can
complete the project yourself or will require a professional contractor.
Clear the construction area and ensure a clear pathway for delivery when
the freight company arrives. Remove all debris: roots, grass, rocks, etc.
Excavate the site. Contact your local utilities company to ensure there are
no gas or electric lines buried in the area before digging.
Decide on the type of foundation you will be using:
Concrete slab, or
46 inches of crushed gravel with paver stones or 4x4 stringers.
You can find the footprint for your shed on Page 3 of your Assembly Manual.
If doing the assembly yourself, have all the necessary tools ready to go and
in working condition. A list of required tools can be found after the parts list.
One helper is recommended to assist in constructing your shed.
It generally takes two people over two days to assemble a shed. If you’re
hiring a contractor, their rate should be in line with that duration of work.