Install the latest software update via the internet or USB. Turn on AUTO UPDATE to make your
ONE automatically check for new updates. Installation will require manual approval.
A system recovery should only be performed in a case of serious system malfunction. It
will reinstall the operating system and delete all personal settings as well as favorites, ratings,
playlists, and internet radio stations. If you have a built-in HDD, recovery will also delete all stored
The USB stick needs to be formatted in FAT32 and have at least 1GB memory for the
recovery software package
If you have a built-in HDD, we recommend performing a backup to an external USB HDD regularly.
Simply plug in your USB HDD (with identical capacity to the built-in HDD) and START the backup.
The ONE will automatically format your USB HDD and delete all preexisting data.
Calibrate Screen
If the touchscreen does not work properly, we recommend performing a calibration. Simply follow
the on-screen instructions.
We recommend using a fine plastic stylus for the calibration. Do not use any item with a metal tip
as it might damage your LCD.
Default Settings
This will reset your Olive ONE to its factory settings. It will delete all personal settings (time, alarm
etc.), but will maintain your favorites, ratings, playlists, and internet radio stations.
Error Logging
If you have a consistent, replicable problem with your ONE, we recommend sending us an error
1) Go to SETTINGS > SYSTEM > ERROR LOGGING and turn ON error logging
2) Execute the same operations that lead to the problem, until you can replicate it.
3) Turn OFF error logging
4) Upload the error log to a USB stick and attach it to your support request.
If you are connected to the internet you can also upload the error log directly to the Olive server.