Step 11:
a) Idenfy the surface panel #1 and pan-
el #9. Lay them both down on a clean
surface with the bo1om facing up-
b) Using a Phillips screwdriver, screw in
eight cam bolts #A to panel #1 as
c) Insert two cam locks to panel #9 as
d) Insert two wooden dowels #C to the
edge of panel #9 as shown.
Step 12:
a) Proceed by a1aching panel #9 to pan-
el #1 by aligning the cam bolts on
panel #1 with the cam locks on panel
#9. The dowels will also slip into the
holes at the edge of panels 2,3 and 5.
b) Insert the cam bolts in the cam locks
unl the two panels are flush.
c) Once the two panels are flush use a
Phillip screwdriver to ghten the cam
locks to lock the two panels together.
d) Once the cams are ghtened use the
cam covers to cover the locks.