For outstanding professional color results,
the ES3640 Series MFP GA (Graphic Arts) versions.
ES3640 Series MFP GA
Out of the box, the ES3640 Series MFP GA (Graphic
Arts) configurations are a color-centric user’s dream.
They’re the perfect solution for advertising agencies,
design firms, marketing communications departments,
even commercial printers that care as much for their
budgets as they do for their products.
When precise, consistent pre-press color accuracy is
needed, these systems supply it—with the addition of
color management software from EFI:
—a color-editing tool that enables users
to create and define custom spot colors; supports
the major color ink matching systems (such as HKS,
TOYO and DIC); ensures that the MFP GA reproduces
unique mixtures accurately from job to job.
—automatically corrects for color-
against-color misregistration—down to one pixel.
—eliminates the repetitive tasks and
possibility of user error in configuring settings for
multiple jobs.
Take secure control of the way your MFP is used.
All ES3640 Series MFP models are designed to provide
peace of mind by allowing administrators to restrict
access to multifunctional features for individuals or
workgroup users:
Assign individual Personal Identification Numbers
(PINs) to your personnel and control access
privileges, such as ability to print/copy in color.
Using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
and user authentication, you can link access
restrictions to your corporate e-mail directory:
an employee attempting to send an internal
e-mail from the MFP system must first enter a
user name and password on the operator panel—
and the e-mail server will respond by granting or
denying access.
Enhanced security features on the ES3640 Series
MFP units enable you to filter out packets received
from specific IP addresses and prevent unsecured
connections to your servers.
For compliance applications, the MFP system
provides EFI DirectQueue
, a means for identified
users to bypass the buffer on the hard disk drive
when retrieving sensitive files.
Job Log Protect requires a password to access the
hard drive’s job log.
Clear Server deletes all jobs saved on the hard drive
for security reasons.
EFI Fiery Driver—intuitive and easy
to use; access information on
your ES3640 Series MFP system
(standard and GA configurations).