NAS network storage server connection
NAS network storage server to create a new shared folder named “oke”
Check the IP address of the NAS
Used network cable to connect okebox on the same group of router.
Choose “media” / “Music” / “Phone” icon from main menu and then press
“My network Share” , select NAS IP address.
Microphone Settings
Microphone volume knobs are used to adjust the volume of the respective
microphone. Turning clockwise is to increase the volume while anti-clock-
wise is to decrease. The factory default microphone volume is indicated by
a small circular white dot on the front panel. It’s advised that microphone
volume knobs should always be set at the factory default position, in other
words, the indicator on the microphone volume knob should be set pointing
towards the circular white dot.
If wireless microphone is used, ensure the final vocal output from the re-
ceiver is no greater than the output of a wired microphone.
The impedance of most vocal microphones are rated at 75 to 300 ohms;
which falls in the range of OKE Box Mic.+ / Mic.- level 5 or 6.
Inappropriate setting may either cause annoying howling feedback or attenu-
ation of vocal bass. It is strongly recommended to use the factory default
level “5” or “6”. If the default level is difficult to match the impedance with
your microphone, it is advised that you should better change for another mi-
crophone of good quality.