3.7 Checking the communication status of the Modbus master
Check the communication status between the Modbus master and slave devices, and retry the connection
if a communication error occurs.
Select the ModbusMas. key on the menu screen to open the screen indicating the communication status
of the Modbus master.
The following information is displayed depending on the communication status of the Modbus master.
Connect: The communications with all the slave devices are normal. The icon is indicated in "green".
Conn...: The communications with the slave devices is being checked. Depending on the communication
status, the status changes to "Connect:" or "Error". The icon is indicated in "yellow".
Error: Due to a communication error occurrence, communications are not established with a part or all
of the slave devices. The icon is indicated in "red".
None: The communication ID is "disabled".
(For details about enabling/disabling the communication ID, see section 3.6.)
If there is a slave device with "error" status, reconnection can be attempted by touching and selecting
Retry key .
(If "Auto Retry" is set, reconnection is attempted with a set interval. For details about auto retry, see
section 3.6.)
When an error occurs, the details of the error is displayed with its ID in the "Ethernet log". Please check it
if the error cannot be solved by the retry operation. (The Ethernet log can be checked by touching the
GRHP key on the trend screen and then opening the "Event log" and touching DISP key on the displayed
Communication icon