OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
Before and after every test, carefully examine the o-ring on the cell cap. Re-
place it if it shows signs of damage or wear.
Unscrew the cell cap and raise it above the cell.
2. Remove the retaining ring from around the bottom of the cell cap. The
o-ring and backup ring should fall off easily.
3. Apply high-temperature grease to the cell cap where the backup ring will
sit. Also apply grease to the o-ring.
4. Place the backup ring (#120-35-004) onto the cell cap with the narrow
side pointing up towards the threads.
5. Place the new o-ring (#120-149) onto the cell cap beneath the backup
Place the retaining ring around the bottom of the cell cap so that it holds
the o-ring and backup ring in place.
Apply anti-seize compound to the cell cap threads.
Cell Cap O-ring and
Backup Ring
O-ring (#120-149)
Retaining Ring
Backup Ring