1. Place the core sample on the tray and secure it in place with the vise.
The vise must grip the core sample tightly enough to prevent it from
moving during drilling.
2. Raise the tray so that the end of the core bit is within an inch of the sur-
face of the core sample.
3. Turn on the recirculation pump.
4. When water from the pump starts coming out of the drill bit, turn on the
drill press.
5. Slowly lower the drill press into the core sample.
If you notice the core sample moving during drill, stop lowering
the bit immediately. Raise the bit up off the sample, turn off the
drill press, and turn off the pump. Readjust the vise to make sure
it is gripping the sample firmly and try again.
6. When drilling is complete, slowly raise the drill bit.
7. Turn the drill press off.
8. Turn the circulating pump off.
9. Empty the water reservoir and dry it thoroughly.
OFITE, P.O. Box 925918, Houston, TX 77292-5918 USA / Tel: 713-880-9885 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com