11. Mix your test fluid (260 - 280 mL) for at least ten minutes. Pour the test
fluid into the stainless steel cup. Place the cup on the stand and raise
it until the block holder and test ring are fully immersed in the fluid.
Secure the stand in place with the thumbscrew.
12. Set the motor speed to 60 RPM, then zero the torque reading. Run the
machine for approximately 5 minutes and adjust again if necessary.
13. Turn the torque adjustment handle clockwise until 150 inch-pounds of
torque have been applied to the test block. Let the machine run for 3 to
5 minutes.
14. After 3 to 5 minutes, record the torque reading and release the
torque on the arm.
OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com