U S E R M A N U A L D A Y C O R ® S U P E R B
Video Recording
To capture Corona it is recommended to record video clips. Corona is a flickering
phenomenon and will not appear in every frame. To capture video clips you need to
use the Rec button. The recorded clips are stored in the SD card. To review the
recorded video clips use the Play-Back option. Press on playback, select HVR. Use F1
to step into the nested folders that are created automatically by date and time. Use
arrows to navigate within a folder. To run a video clip select a file and click on F1. To
step back use the F2. To leave playback click on any other button.
Stills Recording
To capture still pictures use the snapshot button (camera icon). The recorded pictures
are stored in the SD card in the PICTURE folder. To review the captured pictures use
the Play-Back option. Press on the play-back button. Use F1 to step into the nested
folders that are created automatically by date and time. Use arrows to navigate withing a
folder. Display an image using the F1. Step back using F2. Leave playback by pressing
any other button.
First tryout
It is suggested to perform the first tests with the camera away from places with UV
signals, as in urban locations. Set the UV gain to 180, the camera display to UV only,
and direct it slightly away from the sun. Only a few UV random spots should appear on
the LCD screen. If you see abundant random spots and from time to time the screen
becomes “clean” for a short time, you are probably near a workshop where a welding
machine is operating. Under no condition should a non-random UV spot appear
constantly at the same position on the screen (because the camera is fully
solar blind
Note also that some halogen lamps and mercury lamps that are not well-shielded may
emit a lot of UV radiation in the UV Solar Blind band.
When looking for corona set the camera to combined mode, start with gain 180-200,
and then reduce the gain to minimum possible to see exactly the position of the corona