Now fill in all information of your PV system and press
Plant Name
Time Zone
Plant Type
System Type:
plant type
-All on Grid:
the generated power is fed directly
into the public power grid.
the generated power is used by
yourself and a surplus is fed into the public power
-Storage System:
the PV system can store the
generated energy (batteries).
Installed Capacity (kWp):
Max. total capacity
(Decimal numbers are indicated with a dot!)
Operating Date:
Installation date
Unit Price (EUR/kWh):
Savings / kWh of your
energy supplier
Total Cost (EUR):
Assets Acquisition cost
The setup of your PV system in the Solarman Smart App is now complete.
Press the "Go to Add" button to add the WiFi interface (logger) of the inverter (not the serial
number of the inverter!). The WiFi serial number can be entered manually or scanned with the
smartphone camera.
DEYE Mikroinverter SUN
General information
Offgridtec GmbH
Im Gewerbepark 11
84307 Eggenfelden
Contact information
Tel: +49 8721 91994-00
Email: [email protected]
web: www.offgridtec.com
Christian & Martin Krannich
Account Sparkasse Rottal-Inn
Account: 10188985
BLZ: 74351430
IBAN: DE697435143000188985
BIC: BYLADEM1EGF (Eggenfelden)
Seat and local court
HRB: 9179 Register Court Landshut
Tax number: 141/134/30045 Ust-
IdNr: DE287111500 Court of
jurisdiction: Mühldorf am Inn