Wandbefestigung. Fixing to the wall. Fixation an mur.
Allrounddübel sind geeignet für :
Beton - Naturstein - Vollziegel - Kalkstein - Vollstein - Bims-Vollstein -
Gasbeton=Porenbeton - Vollgipsplatten - Hochlochziegel - Kalksandlochstein -
Hohlblock - Faserzementplatten - Gipskartonplatten - Spanplatten etc..
Allround fixings are suitable for :
Concrete - Natural stone - Solid brick - Solid calcium silicate brick - Pumice-breeze
block- Aircrete blocks - Solid gypsum panels - Hollow/perforated brick -
Hollow/perforated calcium silicate brick - Hollow block - Synthetic fibre boards - Gypsum
board sandwich panel - Chipboards etc..
Chevilles passe-partout pour :
Béton - Pierre naturelle - Brique pleine - Brique silicocalcaire pleine - Ponce - Béton
cellulaire - Carreaux de pl
tre - Brique creuse - Brique silicocalcaire perforée - Bloc
creux - Panneaux fibrociment - Plaques de carton pl
tre - Panneaux de particules etc..
Spanplattenschrauben Senkkopf
Countersunk screws
téte fraisée
Allround fixings
Chevilles passe-partout
Содержание 1MLV01
Страница 6: ...1 4 D pcs 37 15 12048 D 5 D D D D 5 ...
Страница 7: ...2 37 15 12048 2 Ø7x50 B pcs 1 C pcs 3 Ø8x30 pcs A B A C A A A B B 1 1 2 6 ...
Страница 8: ...3 37 15 12048 4 Ø7x50 B pcs 1 C pcs B C B B B B 7 ...
Страница 9: ...4 37 15 12048 6 Ø7x50 B pcs 1 C pcs B C B B B B B B 5 6 4 8 ...
Страница 10: ...5 37 15 12048 6 Ø7x50 B pcs 1 C pcs 1 pcs F B C F B B 7 F B B B B 9 ...
Страница 11: ...6 37 15 12048 4 Ø7x50 B pcs 1 C pcs B C BB B B 10 ...
Страница 12: ...7 37 15 12048 4 Ø7x50 B pcs 1 C pcs B C B B B B 11 ...
Страница 13: ...8 37 15 12048 6 Ø7x50 B pcs 1 C pcs B C BB BB B B 12 ...
Страница 14: ...9 1 pcs F 37 15 12048 6 Ø7x50 B pcs 1 C pcs B C B B B B B B F 13 ...
Страница 15: ...10 37 15 12048 4 Ø7x50 B pcs 1 C pcs B C 4 4 B B B B 14 ...
Страница 16: ...37 15 12048 H 2 pcs 11 2 pcs G Ø3 5x15 H H H G G G 15 ...
Страница 17: ...37 15 12048 4 Ø7x50 B pcs 1 C pcs 12 B C B B B B 16 ...
Страница 18: ...37 15 12048 4 Ø7x50 B pcs 1 C pcs 13 B C B B B B 17 ...
Страница 19: ...37 15 12048 4 Ø7x50 B pcs 1 C pcs 14 14 B B B B B C 18 ...
Страница 20: ...8 pcs G Ø3 5x15 4 E pcs 37 15 12048 15 G G G G G G G E E E E G G E 19 ...
Страница 21: ...37 15 12048 16 20 ...
Страница 22: ...2 pcs I Ø8x40 2 pcs J Ø4x50 37 15 12048 I 17 J J I 21 ...