Protective Measures
Hot Surfaces
During normal operation of the vacuum pump, compression of the gases
causes the surfaces to heat up resulting in hot surfaces. Tests have shown in
the case of conforming operation of the pump (in accordance with these
instructions) that at the inside of the pump which might come into contact
with a potentially explosive atmosphere attains during operation with a 50 Hz
motor a maximum temperature of less than 135° C and during operation with
a 60 Hz motor a maximum temperature of less than 200° C.
The maximum temperatures are attained during continuous operation at an
inlet pressure ranging between 300 and 500 mbar. The actually attained tem-
perature depends on the inlet pressure.
The outside of the pump may attain under these conditions a surface tempe-
rature of over 80° C. The maximum temperature is in the case of operation
with a 50 Hz motor less than 135° C and in the case of operation with a 60
Hz motor less than 200° C.
(These temperatures include safety margins in accordance with EN 13463-1.)
Higher maximum surface temperatures can occur when filling and operating
the pump with types of oil which differ from the Leybold oil N 62. This is due
to the frequently worse lubrication and cooling properties of such oil, PFPE in
Hot Exhaust Gases
Due to the compression of the gases, the pump will produce in the case of
normal operation hot exhaust gases. The exhaust gas temperatures do not
exceed the maximum surface temperatures stated for the pump.
For this reason the exhaust gases need to be disposed of through a suitable
exhaust gas system.
Mechanical Sparks
During normal operation no mechanically produced sparks occur since the
internal surfaces of the pump are covered with oil. The external fan and the
fan cover are so designed that a sufficient clearance is maintained thereby
excluding the possibility of a contact.
Sucking in of particles into the pump needs to be avoided so as to prevent
the formation of hot spots due to friction.
Electric Sparks
These can be caused by the electric motor and the accessories supplied
with the pump. If the pump has been approved for operation in areas with an
explosive atmosphere, then motor and supplied accessories have the same
classification as the pump. Motor and accessories need to be installed and
used in agreement with the enclosed manufacturer’s information.
130002780_002_A0 - 12/2008 - © Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum