Alarm Messages
The cause of alarm ‘CMP TOP OVER’ could be:
1. Water flow was not enough;
2. Refrigerant was not enough
3. Ambient temperature was too high;
How to do:
1. Check if the water flow was not enough, so that the heat exchange efficiency was not good;
2. Check the refrigerant quantity, and make sure the system has not any leak. ;
The cause of alarm ‘ADD OVER OR WATER FLOW TROUBLE ’ could be:
1. Water flow is not enough;
2. The connection of water flow switch was loose or water flow switch was broken;
3. There some air inside the water system, so that the heat exchange area was not enough;
4. The thermostat switch of the electrical heater was broken;
How to do:
1. Always ensure enough water flow; otherwise the flow switch can not open;
2. Check the wire connection of water flow switch was normal or not, or replace a water flow
3. Before install the system, please vent the air out from the water system, follow manual’s
4. Measure the thermostat switch of electrical heater by ampere meter.
The cause of ‘LOW PRESS’ could be
1. The refrigerant was not enough
2. The connection of low pressure switch was loose, or the switch was broken;
3. The outdoor fan can not run
How to do:
1. Check if there any place leak refrigerant, especially on the connections valves;
2. Check if the wire connection of low pressure switch was ok, or replace a new low pressure
3. Check if the outdoor unit’s fan was running, if not, please check if the fan was normal
The cause of ‘HIGH PRESS’ could be
1. The water flow was not enough;
2. The high pressure switch’s connection was not good; or the switch was broken;
3. The ambient temperature was too high.
How to do:
1. Always ensure enough water flow; otherwise the flow switch can not open;
2. Check if the wire connection of high pressure switch was ok, or replace a new one;