The charger is supplied in two pieces: a USB plug and a USB cable. Insert the larger
of the two ends into the USB plug socket and this is now your main charger.
To hear the battery level, go to the home screen (ODIN VI will say "ODIN is ready",
type star, pound, zero, one, pound). In the alternative, go the home screen and press
the repeat speech button on the right edge of the phone. This will cause the phone to
speak your carrier, the signal strength and the battery level.
Desk Charging
be very careful when you insert the cable into the socket of the charging
stand. If you use too much force and insert it with the wrong way up, you may damage
the charging stand. Using the charging stand is by far the easiest way to charge your
phone. Simply take the small plug on the end of the USB charging cable and insert
gently into the USB socket on the back of the charging stand. There are faint tactile
markings on the cable plug with a small arrow on one side. This should face
downwards when inserting into the socket. We recommend you insert the cable and
leave it attached to the stand.
Now that the charging stand is set-up to charge your phone, you simply need to place
your phone into the charging stand. The phone should easily slide into the stand until
the charging contacts at the bottom meet. When inserting the phone into the charging
stand, the buttons should always be at the bottom facing outwards. If inserted
correctly, the phone will speak “charger connected”. In addition, in the top right hand
corner the battery graphic will be animated with bars adding to the battery. The screen
will dim and turn off after 20 seconds. When you remove the phone from the charger,
the ODIN VI will speak “charger removed.” The ODIN VI will not speak “charger
connected” or “charger removed” unless the phone is powered on.
If you insert the phone into the charging stand with the phone switched off, the screen
will light up and briefly display ODIN on the screen followed by a graphic showing a
battery filling up with yellow bars. The screen will dim and turn off after 20 seconds.
If the battery is low, the phone will announce that it is low and instruct you to place the
phone in the charging stand so that it is recharged.
Direct Phone Charging
be very careful when inserting the cable into the socket. Make certain that
you insert the cable with the correct side facing up. Too much force can damage the
phone. We recommend that you use the charging stand for charging.
Midway along the left edge of the phone is a small plastic cover which can be lifted
using a finger nail on its top corner. Underneath this is the same USB charging socket
found on the back of the charging stand. There are faint tactile markings on the cable
plug with a small arrow on one side. This should face upwards towards the screen
when inserting into the socket.