2430 Super VGA Video Card – 10
To Program the 2430
The following instructions assume you are using the 2430 in a Micro
PC system.
Make sure power to the 2430 is off.
Set jumper W1[2–3] on the 2430. This disables the BIOS on the
2430 and allows you to use the serial port on your Control Card.
BIOS Enable/Disable: W1
Enables the video BIOS
Disables the video BIOS
* = default
Start PC SmartLINK.
NOTE: Disable any shadowing in the Control Card SETUP
(e.g., 4010, 5025A, etc.).
Power on the Micro PC system. The Control Card logon
message should display on your PC monitor.
Download the file, PGMVIDEO.EXE, and the *.DAT file for your
display (e.g., STNDD.DAT) to your Control Card. Refer to your
Control Card user’s manual for detailed information on
downloading files to the Control Card using the TRANSFER
NOTE: If you are using a flat panel display, refer to the
README.DOC file on the VGA 65540 Utilities Disk for a list of
the supported displays. If your particular display is not
currently listed, please contact Technical Support (303–426–
4521) for assistance.
Change the jumpers to W1[1–2] which enables the 2430 BIOS.
NOTE: Do not power off the 2430 when changing the jumper
settings at W1.