OCENCO M-20 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

T H E   M - 2 0   I S :

Extended respiratory protection – 

provides up to 32 minutes of respiratory 

Belt wearable –

 so light and compact 

it can be worn comfortably on a belt.

Easy to use –

 simply pull the unit out 

of the case to start oxygen flow.

Quick verification of oxygen 
supply – 

user can quickly verify 

oxygen supply by viewing the pressure 
gauge through the clear case.

Superior to Filter Self-Rescuers – 

The M-20 protects the users from oxygen 
deficient atmospheres as well as toxic 
gases and particulates.

T H E   W O R L D ’ S   S M A L L E S T
S E L F - C O N T A I N E D   S E L F - R E S C U E R

At  17  cm  square,  7.9  cm  thick  and         

1.5 kg, the Ocenco M-20 is the smallest 

self-contained self-rescuer in the world!

This compact, ergonomically designed SCSR 

isolates the user’s lungs from the surrounding 

atmosphere and utilizes compressed oxygen to 

provide  respiratory  protection  for  up  to              

32 minutes.

But that’s not all! The M-20 can be donned in 

seconds. To activate, simply unlatch the case, 

pull out the unit, apply the nose clip and 

mouthpiece, and start breathing.

The Ocenco M-20 was designed with safety in 

mind. That’s why the user can quickly check the 

oxygen supply through the clear case. What’s 

more, the durable M-20 can be refurbished for 

up to 15 years, and is perfect for use in mines, 

tunnels, confined spaces and chemical plants.

The Ocenco M-20. It’s not only the world’s 

smallest SCSR, it’s a life preserver you wear on 

your belt.

Compact, light, and ergonomically designed, the M-20 

can be comfortably worn in confined spaces.

The user can quickly and 

easily verify the oxygen 

supply by viewing the 

pressure gauge through the 

clear carrying case.

T H E   O C E N C O   M - 2 0   S C S R
P U T S   L I F E S A V I N G   O X Y G E N
A T   A R M ’ S   R E A C H .
