Q-Boat 1800
Page 25
8.4 Emergency Stop
Some Q-Boats are equipped with an Emergency Stop (Fig. 8.1). Pushing this button will quickly
shut down the propulsion system. To enable the motors after the Emergency Stop has been
pressed, the button must be pulled up to its normal position. Ensure that the button is up before
releasing the boat into the water. Otherwise, the motors will not function. Payload electronics
such as an ADCP, modem, etc., are unaffected by the Emergency Stop and will remain powered
even after the button has been pushed.
When performing maintenance on the Q-Boat where personal safety might be at stake (if
clearing debris from the propellers, for example), the safest action is to first turn off the main
power switch on the VCU and to disconnect the batteries. Note: The Emergency Stop cable must
be plugged into the VCU as shown in Fig. 8.2 in order for the Emergency Stop button to function.
If this cable is disconnected, the motors will continue to run even after the Emergency Stop has
been pressed. The Emergency Stop should also be tested periodically to verify proper shutdown
of running motors.
(Fig. 8.1) Q-Boat equipped with
Emergency Stop button
(Fig. 8.2) Emergency Stop cable
connected to VCU