Congratulations! You have purchased the finest Dive Propulsion Vehicle available to today’s
recreational diver. A new dimension of freedom awaits you that cannot be experienced by
divers who rely solely on fins to move about underwater.
To obtain maximum enjoyment from your Mako, however, it is very important to first read the entire
contents of this manual before attempting to use it. Along with instructions to prepare your Mako for its
first use and future pre-operational checks, this manual also provides instructions for regular mainte-
nance, correct use underwater, and general instructions for DPV diving.
You will find a maintenance log that you can use to record all chargings, inspections, and services per-
formed. Don’t forget - your Mako requires a complete inspection on an annual basis by an Authorized
Oceanic Dealer, regardless of its warranty status. If you do not know the name or location of an Autho-
rized Oceanic Dealer near you, contact Oceanic Customer Service at 510/562-0500 or email
[email protected], or visit our web site. http://www.oceanicusa.com
The Mako is manufactured with pride in the USA, using the finest materials and components available.
Given proper use and maintenance using the procedures outlined in this manual, it will provide you with
many years of reliable service.
As you embark on your excursions, remember that with the added freedom that the Mako can provide
comes added responsibility. You alone are responsible for your safety and the safety of those who dive
with you.
WARNING: Use of the Mako Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) requires special instruc-
tion which is not available from another source besides this manual. Failure to read
these instructions in their entirety and to follow the procedures given for the correct
operation and maintenance of the Mako may likely result in serious damage to the
vehicle, and/or serious injury to the user, or death.
Be a RESPONSIBLE DIVER at all times!
This owner's guide is copyrighted, and all rights are reserved. It may not, in whole or in part, be copied,
photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable format
without prior, written consent from Oceanic / 2002 Design*.
© 2002 Design 1995
Mako Owner's Guide - Doc. No. 12-1827
Oceanic, the Oceanic logo, and Mako are all registered and unregistered trademarks of Oceanic. All
rights are reserved.
*The Owner's Maintenance Log may be duplicated for personal use only - not for resale.