912S-00678 v01.20
4.3 Deactivation
If the SART has been inadvertently activated, it can
be turned off simply by reversing the activation
Slide the Green switch to the left - the Red switch
will return to the off position.
Release the Green switch.
It is not possible for the user to replace the clear
protective cover. Return the SART to an Ocean Sig-
nal authorised service centre for replacement.
4.4 Testing
It is recommended that the S100 SART is tested
periodically. A full test should be carried out in
conjunction with an X-band radar on a nearby
vessel if possible. A full test should always be
carried out as part of the annual service, with short
inspections every two months.
Activate Test Mode by rotating the grey test switch
clockwise and holding.
If there is radar activity in the area then the Red
LED will start to flash intermittently, indicating that
the radar signals are being received.
The radar display of any vessels within radar de-
tection range of your location will now be showing
the return from the SART.
Depending on the distance of the vessel to the
SART and the tuning of the radar, the display will
vary between a set of concentric rings to a line of
twelve blips in a straight line on a bearing between
the vessel and the SART.
Test Mode is the same as Activation
Mode, so keep the test duration to
a minimum to avoid falsely alerting
other vessels that you may be in
distress and minimise battery drain.