HTTP Post: The AcquiSuite uploads data to a database/webserver. (push)
HTTP Direct from the AcquiSuite
The AcquiSuite has the ability to export log file data to a web browser directly from the setup web pages. To use this feature,
access the AcquiSuite setup menu with your web browser. Select the "Log File Export" page from the Log File Data menu
on the left side of the page.
For each device, a separate log file will be saved. Select the device from the dropdown list provided. Specify Comma or Tab
delimited data, and indicate if column headers are required. Click the download button to download the data.
The log file format is the same as is provided by FTP and by the BMO web site. Note: All timestamps are in UTC.
When importing log files into Microsoft Excel, be sure to specify the log data is comma separated, and use a single quote
mark as the text delimiter.
FTP Direct from the AcquiSuite
The AcquiSuite will allow inbound connections for transfer of log data files using the FTP protocol. Ftp to the AcquiSuite
and log in using the system admin password. Files are located in /var/log/modbus. For further information on FTP log file
transfer, please review the technote and FAQ section of the Obvius website.
Enertrax download direct from the AcquiSuite
Obvius provides a free tool called Enertrax DL that can automate the process of downloading log data from the AcquiSuite
to your Windows PC hard drive. Enertrax DL can merge new log data into existing log files on your computer as well as
provide configuration information about the AcquiSuite. Enertrax DL can also be configured to make LAN or Dilaup calls
to one or more AcquiSuite or AcquiLite data acquisition servers. Enertrax DL can be obtained from the Obvius.com
website in the Products section.
HTTP/Post Upload To Building Manager Online
AcquiSuite sends data to the BMO website
The BMO Website stores the data in a SQL database.
Quick reporting from our website
Includes remote AcquiSuite configuration service.
Includes alarm notification by email.
Data available for download in CSV/Tab delimited format upon your request.
For pricing and to sign up for service, contact
or call +1-503-601-2099
HTTP/Post Upload To Your Database Server
AcquiSuite uploads data directly to your webserver or database server.
You must supply a script to process the incoming data. Sample script for ASP and PHP are available upon request.
Requires Webserver, CGI Scripting and, database (SQL) knowledge
Alarm processing available by processing data on your server when data is uploaded
Designed for integration with existing energy reporting systems.
Contact Obvius technical support for further details and sample scripts.
Removing Data From the AcquiSuite
When using an HTTP/Post method to allow the AcquiSuite to push data to a database server, the AcquiSuite will
automatically remove log files from its' flash memory once the AcquiSuite has confirmed that the file was received by the
database server.
If you are using the AcquiSuite with a standalone mode, you can use FTP or Enertrax DL to delete log files from the flash
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A8810 AcquiSuite – Data Acquisition Server
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