Electrical Connections
Hardware Installation
Step 1
- Unpack materials: Remove all materials from shipping box and verify all required components are available
Step 2
- Mount the AcquiLite on the wall, panel or other appropriate location.
Step 3
– Attach pulse output devices to the pulse inputs on the A7810. For dry-contact
WARNING: After wiring the A7810, remove all scraps of wire or foil shield from the electrical panel. This
could be dangerous if wire scraps come into contact with high voltage wires.
Step 4
- Power-up and diagnostics: A power supply is not provided with the AcquiLite EMB, therefore it is up to the
installer to provide the required 24VDC. After power is applied, the green “Alive” light in the upper right of the AcquiLite
should come on and the LCD display will display a series of diagnostic screens ending with the following message on the
LCD display (this boot sequence may require up to 20 seconds to complete):
AcquiLite Ready
Page 6
A7810 AcquiLite – Data Acquisition Server