User instructions
It is very important to learn the correct and safest way to use your rollator.
Therefore study these user instructions thoroughly and get to know all of the
functions and parts of the product. Always consult a professional for developing
the safest and most correct user methods to fit your physical needs.
Daily actions like walking with and sitting on the rollator, affect the balance of the
rollator. This has to do with weight distribution and the change in center of gravity.
To avoid the rollator tipping over, or other dangerous situations, you should follow
the guidelines described below.
In this user manual we describe the guidelines that need to be followed when you
are able to use the rollator without help. When you can not do this alone anymore,
we recommend you stop using the rollator to avoid accidents.
Using the seat
When taking a seat on the rollator, after an intense walk for example, it is important to
always engage the parking brake. This way you prevent the rollator from moving or
rolling away, and you can sit down safely.
Ascending an obstacle
When ascending an obstacle independently, always do so in a straight line and
backwards onto the obstacle, so two rear wheels at a time, not at an angle. Stand
on the obstacle, with the rollator in front of you, on the lower
surface. Next, lift upwards on the push handles to lift the rear wheels up from the
ground. Pull the rollator towards yourself and place the rear wheels on the obstacle.
Carefully take a step backwards and roll the rollator further backwards onto the
The next step is to carefully place the front wheels of the rollator onto the obstacle,
push the rollator forwards, lifting the rear wheels of the rollator if neccessary, following
it yourself. See figures 4h and 4i. This is the correct way of ascending obstacles. When
ascending an obstacle, make sure there are no objects on the seat.