When the weight value displayed by the indicator is less than 2%F•S, press [ZERO] to make the
display return “0” and at the same time the “ZERO” cursor appears. While carrying through repeat
zero, you can make the display of not more than 5%F•S return zero. When the “NET” indicating
cursor is on,can’t carry through zeroing operation.
Deducting Tare
6.4.1 When the goods is placed on the scale platform and if the weight is regarded as tare to deduct,
press [TARE],the indicator displays“0” and at the same time“NET” cursor appears. If you need to
deduct tare continually, the adding weight should not be more than the Max. weighing.
6.4.2 For the process that the negative tare appears and is cleared, see the following table.
Place goods on the scale platform
Which means the goods weight is 0.5kg(can be regarded as
Press [TARE]
The tare has been deducted ,and at this time the “NET”
indicating cursor appears.
Remove the goods
The indicator displays the tare(negative value)
Press [TARE] again
The negative tare is cleared, and at the same time the “NET”
indicating cursor is off.
6.5 Conversion between “kg” and “lb”
Under weighing state, keep pressing [ZERO] for 3 seconds,the indicator automatically converts
the weight unit between “kg” and “lb”, and at the same time the relevant “kg” or “lb” cursor is on.
6.6 Basic Counting Mode
Under weighing state, press [MODE], the indicator enters the sampling state.
6.6.1 Sampling
After entering basic counting mode, the indicator displays “PC 2”. When you press [↑],you can
make the sample number change in 2→5→10→20→50→100→200→2 order in circle, once you decide
on the sample number (of course, the larger the number, the better the result ), now you can place
the sample article whose number is equal to the displayed number on the scale platform. After