This is the User Manual for the issue 1 VCO Controller 5U module from Oakley Sound.
This document contains a basic summary of its operation, how our Oakley Buss works, a
guide to the front panel controls, how to connect it to your modules and finally calibration
For the Builder's Guide which contains information on how to construct the module from our
PCB and parts kits please visit the main project webpage at:
For general information regarding where to get parts and suggested part numbers please see
our useful Parts Guide at the project webpage or http://www.oakleysound.com/parts.pdf.
For general information on how to build our modules, including circuit board population,
mounting front panel components and making up board interconnects please see our
Construction Guide at the project webpage or http://www.oakleysound.com/construct.pdf.
The 5U VCO Controller Module
The Oakley VCO Controller is a 1U wide module designed to function as a master controller
for two or more VCOs.
The basic premise of this module is to make it easy to control multiple oscillators. Quite often
you will require simple vibrato of two or more VCOs. Normally this is done by patching one
LFO (low frequency oscillator) to your VCOs via a multiple. This uses up a minimum of three
patch leads for two VCOs and the vibrato depth needs to be set individually on each VCO.
With this module the internal sine wave LFO is added directly to the VCO's control buss, or
by using two of the output sockets. One pot controls the depth of the LFO for both or more
VCOs. The LFO may be overridden by inserting a jack into the CV IN socket on the module
thus allowing other CVs to control multiple VCOs simply.
The VCO Controller also features an inbuilt VCA (voltage controlled amplifier) module. This
allows the internal LFO, or any external CV, to be controlled by another CV. This CV may be
aftertouch or modulation wheel outputs from your midi-CV interface. Thus, vibrato depth can
be controlled with your keyboard or keyboard's wheel or lever. Only one patch lead is required
to add touch sensitive or wheel controlled vibrato to your patches – normally this would
require a minimum of 2U of rack space, a multiple, and a whole bunch of patch leads.
The VCA within this module can also be used separately as a ordinary VCA should you not
wish to use the other features in the module at any time.