The Issue 3E Ring Modulator PCB
This is the issue 3E Euro sized Ring Modulator board fully populated and awaiting panel mounting and
sockets wiring.
This is one of our smaller format PCBs. The module is designed to fit into a Euro rack. The
pots are Alpha/ALPS 16mm types with matching brackets.
The module requires plus and minus 12V supplies. The power supply should be adequately
regulated. The current consumption is about +/-38 mA. Power is routed onto the main PCB
via the usual 2 x 5 way 0.1” (2.54mm) header for compatibility with Euro format modular
systems. The top pins on the header are connected to the +12V supply. Reverse polarity
protection diodes have been fitted although these should not be relied upon to protect your
module for a long period of time.
The PCB has four mounting holes for M3 bolts, one near each corner. These are not required
if you are using our specially made pot brackets. The size of the board is 96.5mm high by
86.4mm deep.
The input and output sockets are wired to the board via an eight way 0.1” Molex or MTA