The Oakley Flanger Module
The issue 2 Oakley Flanger as a single width MOTM format module in a natural finish Schaeffer panel.
The Oakley Flanger module is an analogue delay line capable of delaying audio signals from
0.5mS to 15mS. In conjunction with an external LFO module this unit can be used to produce
real time vibrato, chorus and flanging effects. With the feedback control set to maximum the
module can be set to self-oscillate.
The delayed audio output is available from the DLY OUT socket. While the MIX OUT socket
has a equal mix of input signal and delayed signal. The phase of the delayed signal that is
mixed may be selected to be inverted (NEG) or non-inverted (POS) by the use of the MIX
switch. This is particularly useful when used for chorus or flanging as the two modes can
create completely different effects.
A feedback path from the delayed output back to the input is available and you have control
over both the amount, via the FEEDBACK pot, and phase of the signal, via the FBK switch.
Inserting a jack plug into the FBK IN socket will break the internal feedback path and allow
another signal to be sent into the delay line. This could allow additional processing of the raw
delayed signal, from the DLY OUT socket, prior to being sent back into the delay line again.
For example, using a VCA to process the feedback signal would allow CV control of the
feedback level.
There are two control voltage (CV) inputs. CV1 has a fixed sensitivity while CV2 has its own
sensitivity control. CV2's control pot is a reversible attenuator, so you are able to adjust not
only the depth of the modulation but also the polarity. Although not specifically designed to
track to 1V/octave, using the CV1 input, the module can be used as tuned delay line over a
useful proportion of the full operating range.