This controls the amount that the internal LFO signal affects the delay time. Increasing this
control will increase the modulation depth, with larger modulation depths causing bigger
changes in the delay time. Note that the maximum and minimum delay times of the ADR30 are
restricted so that excessive swings beyond the limits of the BBDs are not supported. The LFO
works in conjunction with both the Delay Time control and the external CV so it is possible
for the LFO to appear not to be doing anything if the limits of the BBD's delay have already
been reached.
It may seem that increasing modulation depths will produce the greatest effects but this is not
always true. When using the ADR30 to produce chorus effects it is a combination of speed
and depth that creates the desired sound. The chorus effect will be very pronounced even with
small amounts of modulation if the modulation speed is great. Likewise at very slow speeds
you will need to greatly increase the modulation depth to notice a difference.
The ADR30 has two output sockets. One carries the delayed signal that has passed through
the delay lines and all the associated circuitry like the companders and anti-aliasing filters. The
other, the main output, is the mix of the original input signal and the delayed signal.
The Balance control affects the main output signal and adjusts the mix between the unaffected
signal and the one coming from the delay line or lines. DRY is the unaffected signal while
WET is the delayed signal. With the balance control set to dry then the main output socket
will be a copy of the input signal only. With the balance control set to wet then both output
sockets will only have the delayed signal.
Note that the input level control affects both dry and wet signals.
For classic chorus effects the balance is typically set to around 50% so that wet and dry signals
are mixed in equal proportions.
This adjusts the output level of the unit. Both output sockets are controlled by this knob.
The gain of the ADR30 is +6dB when being driven with an unbalanced audio signal and both
input and output level controls set to their maximum.
This will light when power is applied to the unit. To be precise, it lights when the +15V power
supply rail is up and running.