Installation Instructions
The installation DVD contains all the software
and documentation you need to start
building and running embedded applications
on the Freescale Kinetis K60N512 kit. We
recommend that you follow the installation
instructions on the DVD and use the default
directories for installation.
Install the Software
Tools and Updates
a. Insert the DVD, install IAR Embedded
Workbench for ARM (KickStart edition
recommended) and software updates.
You’ll be directed to an online product
registration page to get your license
number and key.
b. Connect your PC and IAR J-Link Lite
using the supplied USB mini cable. Choose
“Install from a specific location” and browse
to \Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded
Workbench 6.0 Kickstart\arm\drivers\JLink\
directory to locate the USB driver.
c. Install the P&E Micro Kinetis Tower
Toolkit from the DVD to install the OSJTAG
and USB-to-Serial drivers under Software.
Set Up the
K60N512 Board
a. You may set up the K60N512 board
in standalone mode or in Tower System
mode together with other Tower Systems
boards, such as TWR-SER (follow assembly
instructions found in the TWR-ELEV module).
b. Connect the IAR J-Link Lite debug probe
to the cortex debug connector on the
K60N512 board with the 19-pin
ribbon cable, then connect your PC andIAR
J-Link with the supplied USB mini cable.
c. Supply power by either applying a
jumper shunt on J12 to allow the J-Link to
supply power (for use with TWR-K60N512
in standalone mode only, or connecting
your PC to the Power/OSJTAG mini-B
USB connector using the supplied USB
cable (for use with TWR-K60N512 in
Tower System mode).