SLN-VIZNAS-IOT User Guide, Rev. 1.1, 10/2020
NXP Semiconductors
3.1.2 SW2
– Manual Deregistration
Figure 26: SW2
Working similarly to SW4, pressing SW2 will trigger a manual “deregistration” command,
which will remove the next recognized face from the k
it’s internal face database.
When this button is pressed, an indicator message will be displayed at the top of the
screen which lets the user know that the process of deregistering a face is taking place.
Figure 27: Deregistration in Progress
To deregister a face, simply stare straight-on at the camera while aligning the face inside
the bounding box for ~1-3 seconds and wait for a message confirming the removal of the
user. Once deregistered, the number of registered users will be decremented by one.