The internal regulator has 3 different domains:
• Low Voltage Domain for 1.2 V output to the core
• High Voltage Domain for 5 V supply
• High Voltage Domain for 3.3 V supply
MPC5604P has 6 different pin supply voltages:
Voltage regulator supply voltage
1.2v Core supply
Input/Output supply voltage
ADC supply and high voltage reference
Crystal oscillator amplifier supply voltage
Code and data flash supply voltage
HV: High Voltage external power supply for voltage regulator module. These pins must be connected to the power supply
(3.3 V or 5 V).
LV: Low Voltage (1.2 V) internal power supply for the Core, PLL. This voltage is generated by the internal voltage regulator
with external connections available for stability decoupling capacitors. It is further split into three main domains to ensure
noise isolation between critical LV modules within the device: Core, Flash , PLL
HV_ADC dedicated to the Analog to Digital Converter functions.
2.1 Voltage Regulator
The voltage regulator on the MPC560xP converts the main input supply 3.3 V or 5.0 V ±10% to 1.2 V core logic level. The
internal voltage regulator requires an external capacitance to be connected to the device in order to provide a stable 1.2 V low
voltage digital supply to the device.
2.2 Ballast Transistor
The internal VREG requires an external NPN ballast transistor (BCP56, BCP68, BCX68 or BC817) to be connected as given
in Figure 1. The NPN provides a stable low voltage digital supply to the device and serves as the main current source for the
Power Supply
Hardware Design Guide, Rev. 0, 2012
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.