Chapter 3
Where Next?
© NXP Semiconductors 2017
JN-UG-3121 v1.1
3.2 Software Developer’s Kit (SDK)
NXP provide Software Developer’s Kits (SDKs) to facilitate the development of
JN517x wireless network applications on a PC. These SDKs include Application
Programming Interfaces (APIs) and associated resources. They are designed be used
within the NXP LPCXpresso Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
The SDK installers for the protocols supported by the kit are as follows:
JN517x IEEE 802.15.4 SDK (JN-SW-4263)
JN517x ZigBee 3.0 SDK (JN-SW-4270)
The above SDK installers can be requested free-of-charge via the NXP web site (see
). LPCXpresso must be installed before the SDK - for
guidance, refer to the
JN517x LPCXpresso Installation and User Guide
The contents of the installers are outlined in the sub-sections below.
3.2.1 LPCXpresso
LPCXpresso is an Eclipse-based IDE and must be installed first, before the SDK. The
LPCXpresso installer can be obtained from
In order to develop JN517x applications without limitation, we recommend that you
purchase the Pro edition of LPCXpresso. The required version of LPCXpresso is
specified in the Release Notes for the SDK.
Customisation of LPCXpresso for use with JN517x devices is provided by plug-ins that
are supplied in the SDK installer. These plug-ins include:
JN517x SDK for relevant networking protocol
JN517x Flash programmer
Serial terminal view
For installation and operational guidance, first refer to the
JN517x LPCXpresso
Installation and User Guide (JN-UG-3109)
The software required to develop applications
directly on the IEEE 802.15.4 stack layers is also
included in the ZigBee 3.0 SDK.