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Application note
Rev. 1 — 17 February 2015
39 of 54
NXP Semiconductors
NXQ1TXA6 Evaluation Board
9. Waveforms
This chapter shows several examples of typical waveform as can be observed on the test
points in the design. For trace in the figures, the names of the corresponding schematic
signal names are mentioned.
9.1 Power stage
shows the power stage behavior under a load condition of 1.25 W. Depending
on receiver characteristics, the waveform on the connection between charging coil and
capacitor can have different shape.
CH1: PWM_HIN - PWM input to half-bridge
CH2: COIL2T - Driver stage, connection of MOSFETs to LC tank
CH3: COIL 2C - Connection of charging coil to resonant capacitor
Fig 30. Power stage 1.25 W load