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Ballast Valve Rebuilding
If, from the troubleshooting guide shown previously, a ballast valve is
determined to require rebuild, a rebuilding kit can be obtained from NVE.
This kit will include all the components necessary to rebuild the ballast
valve. The ballast valves have been designed to be field rebuild-able. The
procedure is shown below:
Remove the ballast valve vacuum line from the ballast valve cover
(1/2” Wrench).
Remove the six socket head bolts from the ballast valve cover.
Caution: The cover will be under slight spring tension
Remove cover carefully (spring should stay in cover).
Remove plunger assembly from ballast valve.
Remove nut from plunger assembly and disassemble.
Replace ballast valve diaphragm and the ballast valve protective
gasket and reassemble plunger assembly.
Place a small amount of Loc-tite on threads and an mating face of
nut and tighten.
Ensure plunger sealing face and internal housing sealing face are
free of burrs.
Insert plunger assembly back into ballast valve housing.
10. Place spring in the cover pilot, align JIC fitting downward and close
to the pump, and replace cover.
Note: Spring tension will have to be overcome to start bolts
Important: The shorter bolt goes in the 6 o’clock position
11. Tighten bolts evenly.
12. Remove and replace the boss plug in the ballast valve cover.