Publication Release Date: Feb 08, 2011
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Revision 0.1
Figure 8 – connect ISD15D00 demo board with the USB dongle.
J5: Aux Output
Installing jumper at right position will connect AUX and AMP
feed AUX output from
ISD15100 to onboard audio amplifier ISD8101
User should not install jumper at left position, which will connect AUX and VSSA
together. The Left two pins of J1 are for the purpose of further evaluation. User can use
these two pins as input to feed his/her own amplifier.
J6: AUD speaker. This is the output of the on-board AUD amplifier. User can connect an 8 Ohm
speaker from this header to evaluate the AUD output of ISD15100.
J7: Install Jumper at J7 will connect AMP_EN with VCCA, thus enable the on board audio
amplifier ISD8101. To disable ISD8101, remove the J7 jumper.
J8: 2-pin connector for speaker. This is the output from audio amplifier ISD8101.
J9: 4-pin header for ISD15100 I2S output.
J10: 4-pin GPIO expand header for ISD15100.
J11: speaker jack for ISD15100 PWM output.
J12: 2-pin speaker header for ISD15100 PWM output.
J13: Clock source selection.
Install a jumper at top position to connect the top two pins
ISD15100 device clock
can be from internal oscillator with external resistor.