2. From the menu, select
to bring up the Service page
3. Exit the Service Lockout by clicking
Exit Service Lockout
Exiting Service Lockout may close contactors
You will be able to access the dashboard controls once Nuvation Energy BMS has successfully exited
service lockout.
7.5.4. Stealing a Lock
The Operator Interface that puts Nuvation Energy BMS into Service Lockout,
the lock. Only the
Operator Interface that
the lock, can take Nuvation Energy BMS out of Service Lockout.
If for some reason another Operator Interface needs to
take ownership
of the lock, it can use the
Steal Lock
option and
take ownership
of the lock on Nuvation Energy BMS it is connected to.
Steal Lockout will take control away from the operator that owns this lockout
7.5.5. Shutdown Timer for Battery Controller
To protect your batteries, a Low-Voltage Battery Controller will automatically shutdown after an hour
of being in Service Lockout.
The Nuvation Energy High-Voltage BMS doesn’t use a shutdown timer when in service lockout.
7.5.6. Troubleshooting
If Nuvation Energy BMS fails to exit service lockout you will receive an error notification. The reason
for the failure is that some form of input to the battery management system could not be initialized.
This means that the battery management system was expecting some measurement (e.g. cell
voltage, current) but it never was received by the software. Because of this lack of initialization, the
battery management system should not be operated and the issue(s) needs to be resolved. There are
two main causes for a lack of initialization:
Nuvation Energy Stack Switchgear - Product Manual
Document ID: NE-PM-003
Rev 1.0, 2020-09-03