It is recommended to use other anti-theft locking product together with NUBEAM.
Wireless burglar alarm shall be turned off when the alarm is not necessary condition
because battery power consumption on burglar alarm mode is very high.
For longer battery runtime, it is very important.
RF Signal range can be changed according to surroundings condition. It is affected from
other RF frequencies like WiFi or Bluetooth.
If RCU is discharged fully when the user arms Burglar Alarm, it is not possible to disarm
Burglar Alarm. In this case, charge RCU’s battery and disarm Burglar Alarm.
3. Burglar Alarm
• Press Burglar Alarm button 2-3 seconds for Alarm’s Arming / Disarming(toggle).
• When the Alarm is armed, Yellow LEDs of lighting unit and Red LEDs of the RCU blinks with
buzzer sounds.
• During the alarm is armed, Red LEDs of RCU(L/R LEDs) blink periodically till alarm is
If RF signal
is out of range between “Lighting Unit” and “RCU”, or the battery level of “Lighting
Unit” is low(needed charging), LEDs of RCU(L/R LEDs) is turned on and warning
buzzer(different with burglar alarm sound) sounds(Beep).
• If any shock or vibration is detected,
- RCU : LEDs(Red Color on L/R) of the RCU blink continuously and burglar alarm sounds till
alarm is disarmed.
* Caution !
This function is operated only within the RF signal range of the RCU and Lighting unit.
- Lighting unit : Whole LEDs of the lighting unit blink and burglar alarm sounds till alarm
is disarmed.
2. Directional Signal Lights
Press Directional signal Lighting Button(R/L) of RCU, then yellow lamp of Lighting unit
shows Right and Left direction(blinking).
• During direction lamp of Lighting unit blinks, LEDs(Red Color on L/R) of RCU blink and
buzzer sounds at the same time.
** If the “Charging Cable” is connected to “Lighting Unit”, Directional Signal Light do not work.