Hot-plugging of devices is supported provided devices were originally connected at power-up.
Devices connected to the Local and Remote Units must be identical. Same mice, same keyboards, etc.
In order for two users to share a PS/2 CPU, the user in control must pause for at least 3 seconds before
another user can take control. After the 3 second pause, either user can take control of the CPU.
Preparation for Installation
Locations should be chosen for the monitors, mice, and keyboards that also have space to connect the
Remote and Local Units within the distance provided by the cables. If extension cables are needed,
contact NTI for the cables required.
The CAT5 cables must be run to the locations where the Remote and Local Units will be connected.
: If CAT5 cable is already installed in the wall and there are RJ45 wall outlets, it will be necessary to
obtain male-to-male straight through connection cables long enough to reach from the wall outlets to the
connection locations of the Remote and Local Units.
A properly grounded, polarized, and preferably surge-protected 120V or 240V electrical outlet (depending
on the AC adapter being used) must be installed close enough to the connection location of the Remote
and Local Units, monitors, and CPU to plug them into.
All cables should be installed in such a way that they do not cause stress on their connections to the
equipment. Extended lengths of cable hanging from a connection may interfere with the quality of that
connection. Secure cables as needed to minimize this.
Properly shut down and disconnect the power from the CPU and monitors to be separated. If other
equipment is involved whose connections are being interrupted, be sure to refer to the instruction manuals
for that equipment for proper disconnection and re-connection procedures before proceeding.
Preparation for Installation