The picture on the monitor
is black and white, rather
than color
The video cable was not attached to
the CPU when it was booted.
With the cables all properly connected, reboot the CPU.
A constant vertical wobble
appears down the screen
CAT5 cable is too close to a strong
power source.
Reroute CAT5 cable if possible.
Monitor sometimes loses
sync, causing it to go
blank for a second or two
Electrical power system is very
noisy, particularly the ground.
The CAT5 cable is not properly
Make sure the interconnection cable is not near any
power lines.
Check cable connections. Make sure they are snapped-
in properly and completely.
Wrong or missing
characters from those
The keyboard may be in the wrong
Disconnect keyboard at Remote Unit end and reconnect.
Reboot the system.
CPU doesn't detect the
keyboard and the mouse
Keyboard cable or mouse cable
are loose or reversed
Cat 5 cable is too long
Check cable connections
Cat 5 cable can be no more than 600 feet in length
IBM Scroll Point mouse is
not recognized by CPU
Only one IBM Scroll Point mouse is
connected at either the Local or
Remote unit
In order for an IBM Scroll Point mouse to be recognized,
an IBM Scroll Point mouse must be connected at both
the Local and Remote extender units. Otherwise it will
be recognized and work only as a Microsoft Intellimouse.
Image is not displayed
properly, lacks definition
Signal is being skewed by the CAT5
cable and not being received correctly
by the monitor .
Check the user's manual for the monitor, projector, or
display equipment for an "automatic adjustment" or
"auto-configure". This is most common to LCD type
Models with RS232 Support
No RS232 communication
One or more RS232 cables is
loose or disconnected
Check all RS232 cable connections
Models with audio Support
No audio
Audio cable is not properly
plugged in
Speakers are not plugged in
CAT5 cable is not properly
Check all cable connections
Verify speakers are connected and powered
Check CAT5 cable connections
The warranty period on this product (parts and labor) is two (2) years from the date of purchase. Please contact Network
Technologies Inc at
(800) 742-8324
(800-RGB-TECH) or
(330) 562-7070
or visit our website at
for information regarding repairs and/or returns. A return authorization number is required for all repairs/returns.
Note: CAT5 connection cable used between NTI XTENDEX Series Local and Remote or any XTENDEX Series products
should not be run underground, outdoors or between buildings.
WARNING: Outdoor or underground runs of CAT5 cable could be dangerous and will void the warranty.
Manual 014 Rev. 8/2/07