Chapter 1. Preparation of the Instrument for Operation
SPM Solver PRO. Instruction Manual.
Atomic Force Acoustic Microscopy
1. Preparation of the Instrument for Operation
The instrument preparation procedure is specified in section “Instrument preparation for
AFM modes” (see
Performing Measurements
, chapter 3). The list of the basic operations is
given below together with the description of the features of preparing the instrument for
AFAM measurements:
Electromechanical configuration for “Scanning by probe” excluding the installation of
the sample holder.
Ultrasound Transducer Installation (see i.
on page
Fixing the Sample (see i.
on page
Turning on the instrument.
Loading scanner calibration parameters.
Preparing the measuring head (see i. “Preparing the instrument for ‘Scanning-by-
probe’ configuration” in
Performing Measurements
Probe installation;
Adjustment of the system for detecting the cantilever deflections;
Installation of the scanning measuring head.
Protective hood installation.
Turning on the Vibration Isolation System (see the manual on the Vibration Isolation