Model 1000
/ 2937 Alt Boulevard / PO Box 310 / Grand Island, NY 14072-0310
716 773 7634 /
716 773 7744 /
[email protected] / http:
NRD Asia Pte. Ltd
+65 6679 1707 /
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Revision 3
Revision: April 20, 2021
Figure 5.1 Illustrates the arrow on the sensor. In this instance, the ionizing source is direct-
ly above the Ionmaster therefore the arrow is faced upward
To ensure accurate readings, the Ionmaster model 1000 needs to remain close to motion-
less; do not have a shaky hand. This is easily achieved using brackets.
The data needs to stabilize for approximately 5-10 seconds before recording. If ion bal-
ance, and decay times are not giving you steady numbers, the reading is invalid. If you
view the data in the form of a chart, you should start to see the data form a flat line.
Recording data
To start recording data, touch the Start Button. (Figure 5.2)
Figure 5.2 Start recording data
The start button will change into the Stop Button. (Figure 5.3) Press stop to end recording.
Figure 5.3 Stop recording data
Once the stop button is selected, the sample time is reported, and the “Download Data” and “Re-
set” button will turn blue allowing the user to save the data to an excel (.cvs) file or clear the data
stored and rerun measurement. (Figure 5.4)