Smart prepayment
Emergency credit
Got a low credit alert and not topped up? Your display will show you if you’ve any emergency credit available.
Only select this as a last resort if you can’t top up straight away.
Out of credit
If you run out of credit, your supply could be disabled. You’d then need to top up
with sufficient credit to cover all the charges before you reactivate your meter.
For gas you’ll need to activate the meter by following the instructions on the gas
meter itself.
For electricity you can also activate the meter from your display. Go to settings from
the main menu and select enable electricity supply
Checking debt – and debt recovery rates
If you’re paying off debt through your meter, you can check the amount and the agreed
recovery rate within settings from the menu button.
To activate the emergency credit, press the menu button
and go to settings
and select activate emergency credit – this then shows as ‘selected’ on the screen.
When your meter balance is used up, it will show the emergency credit in use.