Opera8ng Modes
The GEM3NFC module when integrated into a Jitness equipment device can pair with a
compatible Apple Watch using a “tap to pair” method where by an Apple watch is brought
near an area of the Jitness equipment console where the GEM3NFC’s antenna has been
The GEM3NFC module will sense the presence of the Apple Watch through it’s NFC antenna
and reader circuitry and perform the necessary procedures to establish a Bluetooth
connection with the Apple Watch. Once the connection has been established between the
Apple Watch and GEM3NFC module, the console and Apple Watch can exchange workout
data using the Bluetooth Fitness Machine Service and GymKit service.
The following diagram outlines the operating Jlow for using the GEM3NFC for GymKit
Fitness equipment is idle awai0ng connec0on
User taps Apple Watch Area on Jitness
equipment where GEM3NFC antenna is
North Pole Engineering
© North Pole Engineering Inc. 2019
221 N 1st St, Minneapolis, MN 55401
User messaging
NFC Antenna
User messaging
NFC Antenna