Auto modulation and feedback loop
Using the modulation matrix, it’s possible to create auto-modulation, or feedback loop.
In association with phase modulation, auto-modulation creates digital instabilities resulting in
high pitch noise.
Using a more complex modulation routing admitting a feedback loop, the phase modulation
or the wave shaper modulation could generate unexpected glitchy results.
The MMO-3 has 3 different LFO. All this LFO can generate frequency from 0.01Hz (100s) to
about 100Hz.
The LFO 1 is a shape morphing LFO : you can adjust the shape of the waveform using
faders instead of switches. This allows to continuously change from a rising saw, to a triangle
and then to a slope down. Or stop halfway between sinus and square.
Here are few waveform generated by this LFO :
The waveform (WF) fader controls the shape of the transition. It changes from a straight
ramp (like in triangle or saw), to a sudden change of value (like in a square), passing through
a sinusoid shape.
The other fader (SYM) adjusts the symmetry of the output, i.e the ratio between rise/fall
times. It passes from a rising saw to a triangle and then a falling saw.