your dreams and allowing your dreaming mind to “finish the
dream;” and secondly, by giving you the time between chimes to
lie in bed undisturbed when you are first awakened, so you can
recall your dreams.
Finishing Your Dreams
In the dream/water experiment described in the previous section,
some dreaming subjects were awakened by the water right away,
while others were not. It may take several chimes of the Zen
Alarm Clock to arouse you from a dreaming state, or you may be
awakened by the first chime. But even if the first chime does
wake you, it is possible to resume or re-enter a dream from which
you are marginally awakened if you are allowed to return to the
dream without further disturbance. The interval between the first
and second chimes can provide a period of time for you to reach a
cathartic conclusion to your dream. Preventing the abrupt inter-
ruption of your dreams acts to preserve your dream experiences,
and maximizes the psychic benefits to be derived from improved
memory of your dreams.
Remembering Your Dreams
There is general agreement among dream researchers that “natur-
al” awakening (as opposed to using a clock radio or buzzer alarm)
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subjects usually did not wake up immediately upon being squirted
with the water. When they did awake, many subjects reported
experiencing some form of water in their dream. One subject
reported that in his dream, he was on a stage in a play and the
leading lady had collapsed. In the dream he rushed over to assist
her. As he knelt over her, he felt water leaking on his head
through the roof of the theater. He then pulled the fallen actress
over to the side of the stage out of the way of the water dripping
from the leaky roof. The dream researchers noted that the time
required to move the actress to the side of the stage in the sub-
ject’s dream corresponded to the time between the squirting of the
water on the subject’s back and his awakening.
Thus it has been clinically proven that an outside stimulus which
does not immediately awaken the dreamer can signal to the
dreaming mind that it is time to gradually conclude the dream.
The Zen Alarm Clock’s initial chime can act as just such a signal
to your dreaming mind.
3. Dream Incubation & Conservation Using the Clock
The Zen Alarm Clock can help you remember and use your
dreams in two basic ways: First, by not abruptly interrupting
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