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Over all line lengths:
You can find the overall line lengths (from the shackle to the loops on the
bottom sail) on the homepage of the Para-Academy. (
Please note, that you can not calculate the over all length, by just adding the
single line lengths listed above!
Manual Tandembar:
The tandem bar stands out for low weight and high strength. Depending on the
weight of the pilot and the passenger, the riser can be attached in the loops 1-3.
A very light pilot should choose the loop (1) to avoid that heavy passengers
will hang too low.
The reserve line has to be connected to one of the remaining two loops. If, for
example, the riser of the glider is attached to loop (1), the reserve can be
attached in loop (2) or loop (3).
Make sure, that you use a proper shackle or soft link to connect the reserve to
the loop. The shackle or soft-link has to surround the main belt of the spreader
bar. (like the carabiner surrounds the belt in the picture above)
If you just mount the shackle from below into the loop, the strength might not
be sufficient in case of an reserve deployment.
The pilots harness is always mounted in loop (4). If a passenger is light, the
passengers harness can be mounted in loop (6). Heavier passengers should be
mounted in loop (5).