3.3.3. Remote Control Connection:
Turn caddy main power on, then press and hold any directional button on the
remote control for about 10 seconds. Your caddy should now be “connected”
to the remote control. This is used to align the caddy frequency with an out-of-
tune or replacement remote control or new control box.
3.4. Test Caddy
Test caddy power supply by press POWER button on handle. All power
indicator should come on and caddy should be operable by both the manual
control on the handle and remote control.
Familiarize yourself with the handle control and remote control
you start operating the caddy.
NOW: Please read and follow the
operating instructions BEFORE you operate the caddy.
3.4.1. Test Environment
First, make sure that you perform your first test of the caddy in a wide and
safe area, free of obstructions or valuables, such as people, parked
automobiles, flowing traffic, water body (river, swimming pool, pond, etc.),
steep hills, cliffs or similar hazards.
4.4.3. Manual Control Operation
Turn the main power on by press POWER button on handle. The manual
functions of the caddy are controlled through the rheostat control knob on the
right side of the handle. Turn the knob forward (clockwise) will control the
forward movement of the caddy. In order to slow down the caddy, turn the
knob backward (counterclockwise). Push the STOP/START button any time to
pause or replay the caddy. Turn the knob dead end of backward to stop the
caddy completely.
3.4.3. Remote Control Operation
Make sure you are close to the caddy at all time while testing it and
familiarizing yourself with the remote control!
Now turn on the main power of caddy, and make sure the manual speed
control knob is in “0” position (turn it to dead end of backward).
ONE touch of the Forward or Backward Arrow button on remote starts the
caddy in either direction. Further presses increase speed.
In order to STOP the
caddy, press the round red STOP button in middle of the remote.
To turn the
caddy in either direction, push the Left or Right Arrow button briefly. Once
you release the button, the caddy will continue in the current direction at the
same speed prior to the turning command. You will notice that the caddy