ONL773LW4 5/21
If you cannot correct problems with these procedures, see your
Northern Lights
Battery Will Not Charge
Loose or corroded connections
• Clean and tighten battery connections.
Sulfated or worn out batteries
• Check specific gravity of each battery.
• Check electrolyte level of each battery.
Loose or defective alternator belt • Adjust belt tension.
• Replace belt.
Starter Inoperative
Check DC circuit breaker
• If the breaker is tripped, reset it.
Loose or corroded connections
• Clean and tighten loose battery and
harness plug connection.
Low battery output
• Check specific gravity of each battery.
• Check electrolyte level of each battery.
Defective electrical system
• Repair or replace.
ground wire:
Starter Cranks Slowly
Low battery output
• Battery is too small.
• Battery cables are too small.
Check specific gravity
• Replace battery if necessary.
of each battery
Check electrolyte level
• If low, fill cells with distilled water.
of each battery
Crankcase oil too heavy
• Fill with oil of appropriate viscosity.
Loose or corroded connections
• Clean and tighten loose connections.
Entire Electrical System
Check DC circuit breaker
• If breaker is tripped, reset it.
Does Not Function
Faulty connection
• Clean and tighten battery and harness
plug connections.
Sulfated or worn out batteries
• Check specific gravity and electrolyte
level of each battery.